Luke MacDonald

@LegacyCrono: Anyone who crosses its path... going left and right.

@nukee: Yeah. Mods are always fun.

The game Silent Hill 2 was all about dealing with guilt. Think about it.

@PoweredByHentai: Such a huge difference, it's not even worth comparing.

@hazelnut1112: But if Sony's was underpriced, people still wouldn't buy it when they could get an iCliff or an iKoolaid.

@Alex_Mexico: Take that shit back! Take it back! When I was in Australia, I lost SO MUCH money because of those damned 2 dollar coins. And In Japan they have 500 yen coins. So much money loss potential. Bills stay in pockets better. And they fit in wallets better.

Frigging incredible.

@BrainBubble: Well, it's not just U that's been excised form words. English spelling has changed a lot from the "olde" days. In fact, back when the US was formed, people used a lot of spelling (as well as words and syntax) that the average Brit would consider outdated... They both changed things, they just changed

@nukee: Doubt Disney would EVER allow a team-up with Rockstar. It would be bad for PR.

I, and about 20 others, called this when the patent first came up.

@TheGMan323: Modem talking, modern walking in the streets

@LordMaim: Um... I mean, I know it's supposed to be Japanese, but it was, like, a list of week 1 vocabulary with no syntax.

@c4pt_chunk: What's with the portion of the song where Donald is spewing all that Japanese I vocabulary?

More like they patented a method for doing it that won't be viable for another generation.

So... I wonder if there will EVER be a PS4 Gran Tourismo. Or if the ever increasing graphical power will slow and we stop talking about "next gen" because it's too much work to make games "next gen"

@SpiritThief: The minis have been selling pretty well, actually. Just not the Go.

@chaos_isnt_here: Curry Ramen. It takes about 3 hours to make. Everything but the noodles, essentially, is made from scratch.

@no computers in texas: I have mild dyslexia, and can't help putting an "r" in "beast" whenever I see it.

Actually, that's Kinect: Letterland. It's showing you the kid doing Clever cat's motions for the chant and song.