Luke I am your Radja

Hey, what's the creepiest quote you could imagine from a man accused of rape?

"How could you let that guy in the building?" - Assistant Manager, Red Lobster

Tennessee Titans: 111-144-1, .435

Browns Owner: What's with these pre-draft shenanigans I'm hearing about Kevin? It's getting some people in the league pretty upset.

Whichever poor soul gets promoted to Hultz/May babysitting duty better get a huge raise.

Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.

How about actresses that pull the goalie when they know their relationship is heading south?

"The NFL of the 1990s was weird as hell."

"Yeah, that's what they tell me."
-Troy Aikman

Full disclosure: I'm a Patriots fans. That said, the part that gets me the most: An official of some kind (sometimes multiple officials) handles the ball after every down. Did none of the officials notice the balls being used by the Patriots offense felt different than the K-balls or the Colts offensive footballs? I

The NFL is likely thanking whatever God it collectively decided to believe in that people are making this into a big deal and getting distracted from those other problems it currently has with players getting concussions and killing themselves (or players who are assholes beating the crap out of women and children).

The Patriots could have played with a volleyball and still beat the Colts by 30. I wouldn't be shocked if more teams did this, the Pats just suck at getting caught.

Hopefully, D'truth will D'quell this whole silly argument.

I think the crowd would've really fallen for Owen Hart.

His new number is too long to fit on it.

I'm surprised at the change in Jeremy's appearance. He never was one to let himself slide.

I'm just surprised you were able to resist using the word "fishy"!

Dear Mr. Konrad,

Your tears, they taste so good.

They should think about winning their own conference, then maybe they'll get a chance.

Good one... What time is your protest tonight?