Luke I am your Radja

No one here wants this, but thanks for not listening to us yet again.


While Boston will be celebrating tonight[...]

Usually when there's an attempted Muhammad dunk that results in a different outcome than expected, the CIA gets criticized a decade later.

Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.

Maaaaan, Aaron Neville is gonna be pissed that Ross is jacking his look...

Cool. I'll take the Dez Bryant Personal Foul then for being on the field with his helmet off.

I'd be pretty embarrassed and ashamed to be Jermaine Cunningham right about now.

how excited were you when he voted for him again and you could write this?

It also matches the interest rate that he owes the state of Rhode Island

How is Piazza a suspected juicer, but not the guy that pitched until he was 46?

The trick to beating Gucci Mane is punching him when his mouth opens and his shorts fall down.

Burn down for Watt

Zipline Cam is literally worse than the Oilers

NHL is having a nice year. Lots of good stories. Franchises having rebirths, younger players coming on. Its never going to be the big 3, and its not nearly soulless enough to be the NCAA. At least we don't have ESPN as our PR mouthpiece, and not one Peter King. It's a great sport, and less entangled with the

Oh yeah, Danny Kannell. The guy from that awful late-night ESPNU show who looked like a 45 year old uncle that wears clothes from Hollister.

From the looks of it, most of his shots will be of insulin.

Gibson: "Just don't want my dog to say anything wrong."