Luke Cage

I am sure that the followup to Nevermind was going to be hated by a certain contingent of people regardless of what it sounded like. Nirvana could have gone even further with the Nevermind gloss, the first post-grunge album that brought us bands like Bush and STP. Or it could have been In Utero. These types wouldn't

OMG! Louise from Veruca Salt emailed me! She actually emailed me!!! That shit is hilarious right there.

I think Buzz diminishes the contribution of Husker Du and the Replacements later material. If it weren't for these albums there would be no "40 something dads pushing a stroller" rock.

He made Lysol….LYSOL!

I am a 41 year old man wearing a Husker Du shirt right now, thank you for this Buzz.

The Who By Numbers? An album consisting of a millionaire complaining about how hard his life is? Uh no.

To think Buzz could have picked Lou Reed and everyone would have understood, probably too soon.

I would think he would say that In Utero was the greatest thing Nirvana ever recorded, like anyone else with ears to hear. SY on the other hand should have obviously broken up in 1988.

Buzz just quoted a Dicks song in this interview, I wonder if he meant to do that…I am sure he did.

Kiss Alive II