Luke B

For someone who is apparently so smart, Zuckerberg is an idiot for calling people who disagree with the BLM movement racists.

I think the point is that Facebook told him all the people who hadn’t yet checked in as opposed to those that had. Imagine the difference between a friend calling to tell you “I spoke to John; he’s safe,” and “I haven’t spoken to Tim, and Suzy, and Lee, and Fred, and Tina, and Elena, and Jessica, and Rob, and Josh...”

While I agree this has promise, it also has a downside. This was posted from a friend of a friend on FB:

If you're having cpu hogging problems with Chrome you're gonna have a worse time with FF. Chrome is a memory hog while FF is a cpu hog. So there is something else that isnt right with your computer.

"Not dissimilar" means something different than "similar." It implies even less of a resemblance but indicates that it's not totally true. Either way, it has nothing to do with veracity. The two are definitely different, but we don't yet know how different.

"not dissimilar"

I am a vaper that quite smoking cigarettes 7 months ago. I will say that vaping is the less of two evils so yeah it's still not good for you, but no where near as bad as cigarettes. Please check out

To make it all happen in one shot, follow the same procedure (type ".", type your message, tab, type "large type") but then hit CTRL+ENTER and it will save the "large type" command. Then you get a new list, from which you can select "run after delay". Slick huh?