Luke Bhothipiti

This feels pretty good.

There are more than a few AK variants chambered in 7.62x54R, which particularly in the AP version is a quite potent round.

It depends on the focal length. Wider lenses will show less movement over the same period of time.

There's this thing called "off-duty time" during which, ya know, you're off duty and stuff. . . .

Has anyone considered that this might not be real? 2 gallons of "pressurized" fuel?

Totally makes sense that this photo was taken in Daytona Beach.

Aegis can't hit (or wasn't designed to hit) the missile during the launch stage like the airborne laser is designed to do.

There's a boardwalk that goes out into the marsh and leads right up to the tree. From there it's just a quick hop over the rail to the base.

As someone who used to visit the park and see the tree, this news angers me beyond belief.

They're 100% out of focus.

So when do we see the shots that are in focus?

My coonhound is far too sophisticated for such lowbrow activities and shall not be bothered by the notion.

Oh really.

I don't care what anyone says, I'd buy this thing in a heartbeat. This would be fantastic for those hot ass Florida days at the springs.

That is correct. There was also a Minolta branded CL as well.

I am from this point out ignoring all news regarding this camera because I spent the last month convincing myself that my X100 was the only compact camera I need. Please don't make me buy another camera!

Argh. This is exciting and disappointing at the same time.

It's no secret that Nikon is the low-light-high-ISO winner in the game. Hell, even Canon themselves said it by stating the fact that they were readying a "Nikon Killer" camera to come out.

I've had my D700 for nearly 3 years now and it still astounds me at how fantastic the files look at ISO6400. A quick glance through my Lightroom catalog shows that nearly 50% of all of my shooting is done at ISO3200 or higher.

36MP? I hope not.