Lukasz Kania

Seeing the main complain about ping pong show lost her to me. I can understand being grossed out with stuff like Ladies and Butlers but screaming pedophillia because girls are calling other “boobies” with no male involvement whatsoever is just being petty.

It isn’t?

I disagree with you, everyone has a right to call something shit.

Links straight to the Crunchyroll, link to the youtube trailer, few juicy screenshots here and there. Nope not an ad, just genuine concern about women objectification!

Is Kotaku now getting paid for creating fake outrages to hit that Anita Sarkeesian goldmine? This is a serious question.

I don’t care how you call boobs, i want boobs in.

You know that gaming is dead when the only way a fun niche game loved by many people gets media attention is by racebaiting controversy.

so why Kotaku is suddenly fine with such sexist games? :^)

There’s a good reason, the bad PR. But why bothering with answering to your customers when Kotaku is here to save the day from so-called gooblegaters?

Man I wish Nintendo would address the localization issues the first time someone politely asked them for that before the issue has been blown into huge mess, like it always happens when the PR fails to get in touch with concerned customers while bragging about adding memes to a horror game.

Kotaku recommending anti-censorship anime? You guys have zero self-awareness