
That’s the mentality that is actually criminal! for who lives are disposable! people are desperate to survive! that’s their crime it doesn’t make them therrorist! some of you justify pulling the triger but the law is the law! and whoever pulled the triger is going to answear the judge I like see every body who support

Just pointing out the obvious. You also weren't trying to move into the country, you weren't knowingly breaking the law, and you weren't running from the police on a known drug trafficking route.

Funny, I was out hiking in the mountains a few years back down by the Canada/US border. I got a little off the beaten path and came across a border marker and realized that I had been over the border for a few hours. Illegally. Nobody shot at me. I guess the Montana border patrol, oh wait there isn't one. Maybe

I've been to the border, I've even lost jobs to immigrants when I was younger, but I never considered murdering any of them.

Criminals? Where?

Anyone who defends the psychopath cop in this situation is an imbecile and a pigfucker.