
Hahah ! ! Eu desconhecia essa denominação “sierra” usada pela Ford para o motor mais novo.

Not from Sierra but from old Renault 12 and with a little parenthood with Renault Gordini/Dauphine instead. It was derivated from an engine codenamed Renault VENTOUX.

I beg you to send this to Brazilian Gizmodo writers for translate! The Brazilian major Internet providers are on the verge of establishing a data caps policy in the country.

Well... we have real strange things here in Brazil...
Maybe this guy is the son of this gentleman?? It runs in the family you know !

Nope, the first building is just for the Court rooms and where the judges have their meetings. There were two annexes. One is the big gray glass building at the left of image. That is the Annex II of supreme court. The Annex I is in other place beside the first and you can´t see it from the camera´s point of view.