Jason goes back and forth on that a lot tho.
Jason goes back and forth on that a lot tho.
2) Someone doesn’t know what the term “antihero” actually means.
definitely a Piccolo movie. The whole crux of the story is Piccolo trying to get Gohan to get off his ass and be ready in case a threat comes along, and when it’s not following Hedo along, the POV is squarely on Piccolo.
I agree that from a story perspective this is a better movie. Broly had great fights but it was kinda uneven. This felt like an old Dragon Ball arc and had great humor, good character beats, and some pretty good fights as well.
Orange Piccolo might not be canon,
I didn’t really hear this kind of complaint when FF7 remake was coming, or any time square has re-released any older final fantasy game. Hell, anytime Nintendo ports a zelda people cheer.
There’s only one who can put the kachow into Sally.
To come to Luke’s defense. I believe he meant it more in the way that Shakespeare has been retold countless times in countless ways. KOTOR is a 2003 game that has barely been re-released even and bringing the store up to the modern day with new tech is not exactly beating a dead horse.
I don’t think that was intended…
with a lot of patience and a very sharp knife.
and Good Omens, while pretty dang close to the book still had tweaks and changes to make it work better.
im curious what the inevitable destiny skins in fortnite will be. Traveler back bling? Maybe a ghost. Cayde 6 skin?
His best move was to step away from the Disney stuff. He’s always charming and good but now not in a way that makes you wanna punch him
For all it’s faults, it’s the movie that gave us John Leguizamo and for that it gets praise.
Right, that’s just speculation however as the article clearly states. “Personal reasons” run a gamut and from what I understand Elsass has a history of depression as well, so this could also be related to him trying to get his mental health in order. Speculating on Covid vaccination status is neither here nor there…
Did we read different articles?
1. The Kamehameha is amazing. It is pretty much a guaranteed kill if you’re playing solos and an effective scare tactic in squads. I Kamehameha’d so many people last night from a long ass distance and it was great.
but that’s not what this is about and it’s been reported he chose to step down due to personal issues. I think Warner even went as far as to say that it was personal and not at all work related. Who knows.
It’s a really good Superman show that does Superman right.