yes but if you think about it for more than 2 seconds in context of the franchise, every single character chasing you can basically teleport in front of you and obliterate you. They can also just blow up the planet.
yes but if you think about it for more than 2 seconds in context of the franchise, every single character chasing you can basically teleport in front of you and obliterate you. They can also just blow up the planet.
Violet evergarden made me cry real big tears.
I think Christina’s story is in the real world. She’s in a loop where she’s writing stories for humans, effectively flipping the tables on her previous Dolores role where now the hosts control humans, but she’s once again breaking out of it because she herself is being controlled. She unconsciously writes this story…
Counterpoint: That’s not badly done and Koroks are well designed little buggers.
and Krillin saving the Spirit Bomb.
Vegeta has the most clear character growth throughout the series aside from maybe Piccolo. I Know Dragon Ball isn’t exactly heavy on character arcs but there’s a very obvious throughline of Vegeta growing. He’s still a hotheaded fighter and has quadrupled down on that in the latest arcs but he’s one of the better…
To be fair, Vegeta is still one of the only three characters with an actual growth arc throughout the series.
to some degree I think it’s burnout. I’ve been enjoying the show but I also haven’t been streaming it day 1 like I have things like Kenobi or Mandalorian. Star Wars spaces out their content more while the MCU always seems to be on. That’s great if you’re looking to consume a lot of media but it can lead to viewers…
Man, I’d almost take it in that pre pre pre alpha state. If there’s one thing Fall Guys and Gang Beasts have taught me is that brightly colored simple geometry bodies falling and flailing is hilarious
Square’s Avengers took the same route.
I love that Ant Man is now an A lister to the public. He went from “nobody knows Ant-Man” to being on murals around the world and that’s great for Scott.
I really hate the character designs in this game. They have decades of comic history to pull from and they are making these gaudy ass costumes and looks for everyone that look absolutely terrible.
agreed. They need to release a WW/TP two pack that I would pay significant money for happily.
and it ran off a modified version of the code used in Wind Waker if I remember correctly.
I can’t imagine it would be the inspiration for Dolores since that would’ve happened ages ago at this point
I suspect one of those is real william
I fell off Pokemon somewhere after X & Y and I loved Arceus and I don’t think I can go back to catching and battling turn based again. Being able to toss pokeballs was so satisfying that I don’t wanna go back.
the problem is that people are still buying Mario Kart 8 at $60 because it’s Mario Kart 8, so Nintendo sees no need to lower the price of the game when it’s still selling like hot cakes because everyone who has a switch needs to get a Mario Kart to go along with it.
Dark Side users are very good at surviving, while Jedi are very bad at it.
This is always how I’ve felt. I always though Obi Wan used it almost mockingly.