
The combat will definitely get refined. Part of the reason Red XIII wasn’t playable towards the end of the Remake is that they didn’t want to introduce new combat elements for just the last few hours, instead making him a support character. I figure that every new character will have new combat mechanics (so at least

Remake of Final Fantasy VII 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance.

me and a couple of my friends decided to play this together recently because it’s on gamepass and we’ve been having a blast discovering stuff. We played about a year or two ago and the game has changed massively since then.

it’s also on gamepass on xbox

My tiny ass 1 1/2 bedroom apartment is cozier than this.

Funny enough a lot of those points are touched on in some ways in both The Clone Wars and Rebels (see Ahsoka, Maul, Ventress, Quinlan Vos) and those are pretty positively received. But mention TLJ and people suddenly have a fit.

Boy who was told he was the chosen one and fated to bring balance to the force is realistically incapable of living up to task and becomes reclusive hermit. I don’t know what’s so unbelievable about that.

I would at least respect it if Disney had committed to a story in full and told it. It’s worked a million other times in media and there’s no reason to change it. The reason the trilogy is a mess is because Disney refused to commit and pivoted in response to fans. That’s how we wound up with TRoS

The Mexico parts.

I had assumed that would be the case eventually since 75% of the original’s map is available in RDR2. Even some parts past the Rio Grande are still modeled in.

and nazis.

Again, watch the video. She’s not shitting on the movies, quite the opposite actually she spoke well of them and the overall experience. She just said that as a role it was weird for her that she was cast as a mean girl, because she’s far from that publicly, and that the weather made her miserable, because it was cold

Correction, Yusuke Murata is only the Illustrator for OPM. The creator is ONE. I’ll give you eyeshield 21 tho.

It’s also a good kit, despite its age

Thanks for that! I think Bring The Noise and B-Boy Document ‘99 are the real losses for me there.

Footage from the game has also been shown in official Star Wars compilations on their Youtube channel which bodes well for the game overall. There’ll definitely be a sequel

another more apt comparison is anyone who plays a heel in wrestling, Stone Cold Steve Austin is not an asshole.

but also that tifa, cloud, and Barret have.

I keep throwing this comparison around but I think it’s fitting. This game reminded me a lot of Rebuild of Evangelion. The first part of the game is mostly the same right up until the end when it no longer isn’t. I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all, we have the original and this is its own thing.

Don Corneo has a thing for weird monsters.