that... Makes a ton of sense...
that... Makes a ton of sense...
I just did the chapter where you fight the other two houses (again) and Edelgard damn nearly wrecked Byleth, which is saying a lot.
y’all just gave me a huge headache
What’s really ridiculous here is that Unicron is only $120 more than MP-44. Think about that for a second.
It requires a hell of a lot of forethought to be able to make your body a cohesive thing at that point, or some very good artists.
I’m just impressed that with all the money Bieber presumably hasn’t already spent on coke and whatever other dumb things he spends it on that he wasn’t able to find better artists.
your friends have terrible taste.
I mean, some people find Pete Davison attractive so this is the world we live in now.
Both feet look flush to me but one has a raised nail
How do you not see a big honking stop sign in a seemlingly clear unobstructed street? If anything that makes it more their fault.
How dare we want to support something we love.
I mourn the loss of 2D Lupin, those are always really great showcases of traditional animation. That said, this looks surprisingly good.
It’s a valid argument when we’re talking about the FIRST mainline entry of the franchise into a “home” console. It feels like they put more effort into Let’s Go than this and it sucks for fans that GF seems to be actively taking steps back to meet a deadline. They could honestly push the game back to allow for at…
I mean, it just feels like a step back from a series that has banked on connection for ages. Literally banked. There’s a bank for old pokemon.
Im not so much upset about the lack of all the Pokemon as much as I am disappointed. Most of that is that I went through all the trouble several times of completing a National Dex and it’s one of my favorite post-game activities, that and that the mantra of “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” has now turned into “Gotta Catch What’s…
Maybe because that’s totally a thing? If Emile Hirsch had been a black man who publicly attacked a woman and choked her out he would’ve been tossed into a jail cell and the keys would’ve been thrown into a lake, or at the very least we would’ve seen far more publicity and outcry regarding this event. Instead it all…
Ok but that’s a movie and make believe. I agree Tarantino is creepy and absolutely has skeletons in his closet, but it’s not the same to choke an actress on film consensually than it is to drag a woman across tables and choke her out till she passes out at a party.
Sure, just not in a million dollar movie. There are plenty of low paying jobs pieces of shit people are still welcome to do.
15 days is not enough time for violently choking a woman until she passes out.
jameela jalil is in one of the biggest TV series in the last few years and I doubt she’d want to sit around with Quentin Tarantino asking her to parade her feet in front of his face.
That choking scene in Inglorious Basterds would like to have a word with you.