
That was my main issue with the gameplay of fallen order. The lightsabers leave a glowing mark but never cut anything in half. I expect if there’s a glowing mark in a scout trooper’s armor because I sliced him down the stomach that his upper half would fall off. 

I kinda don’t want there to be a guide ala Midna or Navi. I think Breath of the Wild benefitted massively from kinda letting you do whatever the hell you wanted whenever the hell you wanted to do it, and something like a guide feels like a step back, but I do like the idea of a spirit realm of sorts.

Not gonna happen buddy, move on.

there’s your star, now leave.

I’m not one to prefer digital ver physical but physical media on the switch is a ripoff unless you’re getting a significant discount. Having to not switch tiny cartridges is beautiful on a console designed to walk around with. If the physical copies included manuals or something I’d be more inclined to buy them but

Chrono trigger for the DS is still, I think, the best way to handle a port of an older. It’s the exact same game, runs great, adds the PS1 cutscenes that nobody actually cares about, and has a new dungeon and ending that ties into Chrono Cross. I still play it on my 3DS but would love it for my Switch, maybe even

They should’ve definitely gone closer to the comic books than the movies for the costumes. For Iron Man that’s kinda a moot point and it could change, the man changes armor like some of us do underwear. His Armor in the 616 universe has also, at times, been really close to the movies so that’s not a huge issue.

Yeah! I never played any of the mana games but plan on picking this up.

I wonder if we’ll ever get something like this for Chrono Trigger. I know that it’s only a matter of time till we get Chrono Trigger on the Switch in some form or another but a remake of this level would be insane.

to be fair, it’s a breath of the wild sequel, nothing can kill that hype.

I’m guessing this means yes, or that at least Zelda figures into game mechanics, they just want to reveal it with gameplay rather than talk about it in a very spartan interview setting. There’s a lot to be said for seeing rather than reading about it and the mechanics of it could change during development.

Are you also in the same camp that thinks Wind Waker is not as great as other games because of the graphics? BotW is impressive in what it can do well while still functioning as intended, something The Witcher 3, Skyrim, and AC can’t say due to a myriad of bugs and glitches. Unlike those games BotW also has a robust

I don’t see Square canceling the one thing fanboys have been asking for since FF7 came out basically halfway through.

But just because game 1 is Midgar that doesn’t mean they needed a full game to fit in the Midgar map and nothing else fit. It just means the narrative of that game spanned that one section of the world. They could fit it in.

I think they’re adding narrative weight to minor characters and AVALANCHE, which is fine.

I think they stated Midgar is only “Disk One”

LTTP is more tenuous than Wind Waker, where they clearly reference OOT. In this case though I’m considering a “sequel” a game that features the same link as a protagonist, so the oracles games are sequels to LTTP, Majoras is a sequel to OOT, Phantom Hourglass is a sequel to WW.

cue the purists that wish the game was never changed at all.

not technically, it’s definitely a sequel and picks up the story of link trying to find Navi after she leaves him at the end of OOT. He travels to a parallel universe, yes, but it’s the same link from OOT

It looks like it’s the same Hyrule, just underground.