I get this complaint and I’m surprised that Overwatch doesn’t get the same sort of flak when it’s essentially treading the same skin terrain.
I get this complaint and I’m surprised that Overwatch doesn’t get the same sort of flak when it’s essentially treading the same skin terrain.
Man, can you imagine the chaos Kevin Mccallister could cause with a Pokemon?
cool thanks for jumping straight to insults
Oh 100%. Everyone is gonna buy into every episode of this just like they did all previous FF7 media.
Have you played 7 recently? They’ve shown maybe the first part of the story, with stuff up to Sector 6 and, arguably, maybe some of the Shinra building, yes.
They still have everything else from Kalm to the Forgotten Capital, that includes Junon, The Golden Saucer, Nibelheim (we haven’t even seen the Sephiroth fire…
Which half exactly? The unsullied are brown and the Dothraki are Middle Eastern. Are you talking about Jon’s army of white dudes from the North?
its definitely gonna be more than two parts. Hell the only thing they’ve shown is the opening mission and the second reactor mission.
you turn it upside down to find out.
I don’t know if it’s ego. It’s more his Id.
I mean, he killed that guy so...
Technically that’s already a thing. Caulifla and Brolly (universal analogs of one another) have a slightly green-tinted hair in their full power Legendary Super Saiyan form.
What I wanna see if the behind the scenes mocap loop of Ryan doing this dance for an hour and a half.
So you’re bitter about a celebrity being charming? Cool.
We’re also importers of Hot Chris’s
I will also watch exactly everything featuring Hiroyuki Sanada
It’s also a really pretty movie with a great soundtrack.
“Directing Pictures”
This is a new level of petty.