
It’s a rockstar game. 80% of your time with it should be just wasting time and riding around. Like many people have said, you can skip these things entirely without hindering the gameplay in any way.

but it’s also entirely optional. You don’t have to sit around and craft split point ammo, or cook food, or any of that stuff. You get plenty of it just by roaming around and if you didn’t really know about the split point or other kinds of ammo you could very well skip it.

It’s literally at an ENTIRE convention that’s put by them and solely for their games that sells out immediately. Their PR is fine, Blizzard can focus as a company on whatever the hell it wants and I get them trying to focus solely on the one project closer to release than a nebulous Diablo 4. 

Last night I was playing RDR2 and I ran into a woman pinned down by her horse. I decided to help her even though I was on my way to Valentine to pay off the stupid $10 bounty I had incurred when I stopped some robbers and then tied them down, only for someone to see me. I had to then tie THAT dude down but someone saw

ok but that’s not really irrational. Boss fights are supposed to be big scary events.

It’s a two-pronged solution. Nobody advocates realistically to remove guns, that’s a terrible idea and impossible to manage. Treating mental health issues is part of the solution, but also making it, i dunno, more difficult to actually BUY a semi-automatic rifle should be a thing as well. I don’t want every building

some, I assume, are good people.

Also look at how many people those mail bombs killed = 0
Look at how many people one idiot with some guns killed = 11.

That should be the argument for tighter gun restrictions right there. If you want preventable violence then clearly regulating guns is the way to go. You can still have nutsos that have a hard-on to

I also killed his horse because I tried to loot it and it kicked me.

It’s almost like reviews are opinions and yours are allowed to differ or something.

No Xenogears? 

Actually I believe the opposite personally. The fact that they’re small kinda scares me and being able to quickly load up a game on the move without popping anything in or out is a godsend. It’s the only platform I buy digitally for.

I gotta say, I hardly smelled anything terrible at NYCC.

Good thing people checking the mail were doing their job properly. The only smart thing this idiot did was probably send them all at once.

I love how the Trolls are trying to discredit this by saying it’s awfully convenient and a coincidence that all these people got these packages all around the same time. Has nobody ever just sent a bunch of mail through the post office all at once to get it done quickly and easily? I love that the argument is that

At least in post it looks a bit better, but it definitely looks like a bike helmet.

I still really miss the goddamn chin on the new suit. It looks goofy as hell.

That is a very very stacked cast for a videogame.

it might be a blizzcon special and they could be releasing other versions in the future that are exclusive to things like the lego store or whatever.

it’s a paragraph ABOUT Mario Party. You don’t mention a game in a paragraph, at length, and then switch to talk about completely unrelated games in the final sentence and assume people will think of other random games because of that paragraph. That’s like writing an article about Final Fantasy and then claiming the