
to be fair, Sara hasn’t really been in a relationship with anyone since Nyssa. She’s flirted heavily and stuff but I can see her being more coy and conservative if she sees it as being more than just a one-time thing. Plus there was the fact that they started out as antagonists.

It was indeed very Darhk

They were already in Central City, he can just go over to Star Labs and get Cisco to breach him over

Jealous people.

“and collection of knives/swords.”

who hurt you?

it feels like he’s wearing nothing at all...

Aren’t his powers also based on his emotions? Even more relevant then

That’s the joke at the end though, that Gon went on this quest that his dad seemingly left for him when in the end Ging was just a shitty dad that was badly equipped to raise a child so he just peaced out. Perhaps some of it will be expanded later on and Ging’s motives to leave those hints will be explained to someone

I’ve watched dragon ball about half a million times and I don’t recall that being a limitation. Also if that was the case then Tien would’ve been screwed since he and Chiaotzu came back to life well after a year from their deaths in the Saiyan Saga. Remember they chose to stay in the afterlife together until they

To be fair, Krillin’s death on Namek was a big blow because at the time that was his second death, and back then you couldn’t be revived more than once through the Dragon Balls. The Namekian dragon balls, which would allow that were inert and Piccolo was out for the count, which ruled out the Earth Dragon Balls. That

Yep, it follows the manga exactly. I think the point at which it ends there is pretty good at logically wrapping up Gon’s search for his dad, even if it ignores other characters that are more interesting.

I find it amusing that most of the comments in the forums with the patch notes are related to the fact that this new Jason can run when Roy never runs in the movie.

No the baby is still with the fairies. The eye was because traveling from the fairy realm to the normal realm requires a price. It might be bullshit and it might just be that the queen is being extra evil and just taking away things but it was more of a thing she had to pay to be sent back. Eliot’s wife lost her toes

So far all the videos I’ve seen of this game have me practically begging for TFS to do a voice pack or dub their own things, or even just keep the same dialogue but voice it themselves because the character interactions are fantastic. Everyone roasts Yamcha and Cell is a sassy bastard.

well it looks like torture in the bad place has departments, much in the same way the good place has neighborhoods presumably and that each neighborhood has people who are somewhat within the same range of time and interests. Remember that Michael greeted everyone in a town hall and told them they were all dead when

for me it’s playing other games I already own.

Right, but nowhere is Tien ever classified as being anything other than human. If a race of triclops from another planet shows up at some point I’d be happy to amend that but for the time being Tien is human.

The manga kinda goes in different directions at time. For instance Toppo is shown to not be as dismissive and antagonistic towards Goku in the manga. There’s also a part where Vegeta and Goku both go Super Saiyan God with red hair so at least the manga shows Vegeta in that particular form.

Krillin has no nose and the president is a blue talking dog. The definition of ‘Human’ in Dragon ball is very loose.