
Rich bastards support a rich bastard who will promote tax laws that benefit rich bastards?

“Don’t Be Evil,” unless you can make billions off it, apparently. 

That was my thought reading:

1. Based on the article Hodge previously wrote on this guy, his data was likely based on tests using electric golf carts lifted off the ground, which I’m sure were details he did not disclose or outright lied about. Basically, he could show that the battery range of the test vehicles increased. He just didn’t show

i dont blame THEM.

what about... what about... what about

A couple of nerdy, pedantic points (imagine them in an appropriate tone of voice):

Arianna is his niece. Reading comprehension can be your friend...

I’m honestly surprised it took them a full 4 hours to leave the scene, get back to the station, change back into their uniforms and drive back to the house they just shot at.

Seriously. My dinosaur phase will end when I die.

I guess I figured after all that work, there’d be a side-by-side with a PS4 scaled reference the disk drive slot.

Parents. Parents buy this for kids, just like the 3DS. It’s amazing how many of you still don’t understand Nintendo. 

Breaking: water is wet.

There are many IG droids and the best thing is that once they’re defeated you can repurpose them to make a lovely espresso machine.

This is only a thing because Trump is president. Prior to him, nobody gave a single shit where the vehicle was built.


Nah, but see, he SAYS it’s not unwelcome to LGBT people despite the church saying “LGBT can’t be spiritual leaders”. Surely there’s nothing more welcoming than “you can’t be a good Christian leader because of what God made you.” Can’t you just feel God’s love radiating from that homophobia? Ahhhhh, relaxing.

The more I hear, the less interested I am in this game, and I want to be interested.