
I have the exact opposite problem: nothing seems to scare me any more. Not horror films, or video games. Problem is, I crave that horror style sense of fear. I get extremely excited when something gives me the willies, these days.


I think I have to disagree with your titular proposal. Saying "Lets stop trying to teach students critical thinking" is a horrible idea. A better ideal would be "Lets identify the skills necessary for critical thought and ensure those skills are being taught to our children." In my opinion that is the far more

The best value for the customer is choice...

I'm more interested in 2015 when someone cuts the trilogy down to one three-hour movie without dwarf antics, pointless LOTR cameos and other time wasters to drag it out.

What concerns me most about the genesis of self aware AI is that the universe in general has absolutely no concept of good or evil. That's human construct. If AI, which is inherently a product of our universe, becomes aware, what will it do? How will it evolve? If history on the planet Earth is any indication, the


Boy, that was disappointing. I was hoping to see them gliding throughout the cabin, lunging and striking at scientists.

I'm a 280 pound man that's considering running (before I die from fatness).

Were Neanderthals afraid of eating the offspring of crossbred plants because they weren't natural?

Learning through gamification!

Dafuq is this person doing?

People get upset about...everything these days. Just playing it safe! >_>

Except they only actually listened to the people that agreed with the concepts that they already wanted/planned to go with. Alot of the best parts of their concepts for this new edition seem to be lying on the cutting room floor already.

My first thought on reading this comment, as it is every time I see the word "Armageddon" is a story I heard on the Bob & Tom show back in the 90s. Some couple was playing around with felching (don't look that up), and the hamster got stuck: the safe word was ARMAGEDDON, which the Bottom yells to indicate that it's

WHAT?! You're crazy!!! I mean sure, there's the space administration wrangling a non astronaut and expert in his field to go off into space to stave off a planetary catastrophe while leaving his daughter to fear whether or not he'll return, but other than that how is it anything similar!? haha.

This guy needs to do the same thing with the bloated Hobbit movies, GET ON WITH IT!

I'm so sure this video won't last by the time I get home from work to watch it. -_-
