
Curious about carbonating coffee directly, instead of adding the concentrated syrup to seltzer. I have a 25 lb tank and regulator set up with the fittings necessary to carbonate screwtop bottles. Wonder if I could use the setup with N2. Not sure if the regulator is interchangeable.

I found a great 15-minute workout right here on LifeHacker . By no means is it a replacement for solid cardio and weight time, but if you just want to get the blood pumping and keep your muscles in-check, or if you’re in a hotel room on business without gym access, this is recommended. No weights or equipment needed! your chances of winnin’ drastically go down!

They aren’t all far-right Republicans — including Trump — and they all love money

what if you have no ass, does this change anything? asking for a friend

This is such an awesome suggestion. I think the only caveat is that you need to be able to put the napkin early enough that you know you shouldn’t eat more. The timing is imperative (as you mention). Because once the napkin is on, I’d really feel silly taking it off to eat more. I’m racking my brain to try and figure

I had a psycho boss for a couple years there who loved to throw tantrums - smashing his cell phone on the floor, kicking office chairs around, the whole bit. Early on I would get very stressed out during those episodes and it really got to me.

Very good article. One other example related to your “still feeling poor”:

What is it with people on the Internet always comparing things and downplaying other people’s works? It’s always negative, negative, negative. Is it so hard to at least acknowledge that this particular piece of work is pretty nice by itself?

There you go, zigzagoon is on top of aerodactyl ^^

I’m sorry but that’s LORD Humungus, breathing roadkill.

N=1. Weigh loss is relatively easy compared to keeping it off. I’ve had major success with low carbing, but it really boils down to finding a diet plan you can live with, and follow it for the rest of your life.

I bet you're fun at parties.

Rather a shame they don't include any department store brands in here. It's been my experience that George (a Wal-Mart brand) tends to run just a bit small, but you wouldn't know it from this chart, which appears to have stuck with only the more expensive brands.

Should we make a fantasy game or a Warhammer tribute? Fuck it, let's just make both. Then add more dragons.

I have a great love for complicated board games. Unfortunately I also have no one to play them with. v.v

I have the exact opposite problem: nothing seems to scare me any more. Not horror films, or video games. Problem is, I crave that horror style sense of fear. I get extremely excited when something gives me the willies, these days.

Dune. Arrakis. Dessert planet.