
No luck? Quite the opposite i’d say from past crashes.

“From all the people I’ve talked to in other countries, they see Trump as an aberration,” Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy for the Union of Concerned Scientists, explained to Gizmodo, “They don’t think this represents US society as a whole.”

In Soviet Michigan, road hit you.

I thought Jalops liked to feel the road while driving.

First VW has not forced you to keep the car in anyway, that argument is invalid. VW had it not been for such a major outcry wouldn’t have had to pay for anything except a fine for the scandal, not offer to buy back every 2.0L TDI, that was generous on their part.

That is exactly what i was thinking and when the lease is up that will flood the market with used 200 mile EVs

Project Swiss Cheese is turning into a real muenster.