
It would be fantastic if James Harrison breaks Tom Brady’s back on Sunday.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

The difference between Seattle man and Florida man is significant.

Although I agree everyone is their own person and has a right to their own opinions, you cannot ignore the fact that it does reflect poorly upon one’s spouse to act out like that. It invites criticism, warranted or not. And honestly, it’s kind of disrespectful to the other spouse to say things in public that they

Oh... People who hook up with George must be disappointed when they realise he has no idea how long an inch is.

The headline is bullshit, you should see me rock an Excel spreadsheet.

I like that. Though, I may start calling it the crack of video games as well. I lost count of how many times I ended a day to save it. Then figured “I’ll walk outside quick and see how many crops are ready. Oooh, look at all of them.” Then I start harvesting and by the time I remember I was going to quit I’ve done

Togashi looks like Dwun from his own manga. Or did he insert himself into the story?

Si fuera blanco seguro que le darían el guión

Yes, truly it is right and good for leagues to be run in such a way that the author has to beg God for an upset to the entrenched order.

God’s been answering this prayer for ages.

That’s cool but $100 - $200? I’ll just buy a regular lamp and stick an action figure next to it.

What are my legal rights as far as turning this into an ebook to sell on Amazon? Because this is one dinosaur short of a best seller there.

Is arming the officials the right answer, though? Things could get really Messi.