
It's not just speeding the film up. Chaos cinema relies on sound to keep continuity. Strip that away, and the remaining visuals are a mess.

A couch gave birth to a naked Frank Reynolds.

Oh, and even if you were using box-office gross, Seven would be adjusted as an $180 million dollar movie today, not too far off from the $200 million made by World War Z. To reiterate, it's a stupid complaint. Seven remains one of the most high-profile films of Pitt's career, by pretty much any measure.

The complaint about Seven doesn't make that much sense. The movie has over 600,000 user ratings, ranking it as the #13th most watched film among IMDB users. That's not 1995, not 1990s, but #13 all time. It has over 100,000 more ratings than Titanic (#27). Box office receipts from 1995 are not a particularly good

This article suggests that Kate from Lost is a more interesting character than Jack. It also describes Jack as a "level-headed normal guy."

You're not the devil. You're practice.

To Phil: You know nothing of my work.

Man, there are so many movies would be improved by replacing Paul Giamatti with Joe Pantoliano.