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Hearing about Vader’s death led me to look up some Vader clips and came across this story about him literally sticking his finger in a puncture wound Syd Vicious had.

Because they are “real americans”. (or at least their definition of such). Real Americans believe:

As a divorcee, I can say there’s an art to hate fucking. It’s like a fine wine. Notes of bitterness and sour have to be tempered with just enough sweetness and aromatics to provide a smooth and balanced experienced. You want to feel sick to your stomach in the morning, not after the first sip.

Being in Oregon, how has her life been negatively impacted by immigrants?

There are plenty of dating apps for them: bootlckr, grovlr, synikal, gaslitr...

Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn’t wear glasses.”

That it took the 3rd Thor movie for this song to get used is a goddamn travesty.

Ichiro was just doing research for his post-baseball media career.

That was pretty cool, but my big takeaway is that Maradona looks like the reheated corpse of Kim Jong Il.

Betty White will outlive all of us.

I am willing to take up the mantle for white people. I will start by calling out The NBA. The audacity of those teams to take only ONE WHITE GUY in the top ten. Then they had they nerve to trade him, to the blackest city in America. I mean this poor white man will now have to live in Atlanta surrounded by people that

“Straight White Male” has become this century’s N-Word.

It’s clearly his evil twin, Zichiro.

Odds he’ll be hired by Amherst (the next town over) within 6 months.

Doing all this idiotic shit while being filmed by your own camera; white “supremacy” indeed.

Good.  We need more mayors like her.

That is a normal immigration policy. Move on, find a new slant.

Speaking of the good old days, I remember when the wives of NBA executives used burner accounts to tweet their complete fucking nonsense.