
The contemporary art world is full of no-talents, grifters and charlatans; and while I think Sulkowicz is a mixture of all three, she’s not all that different than any number of other conceptual artists out there right now making criticism-proof “art” that mostly serves as further self-promotion (see Shia LaBouef for

She’s a TERRIBLE artist. She should just be a full time activist instead, that’s clearly where her talent lies.

Really amazed at Aidan’s self-awareness and composure for a 14 year old, considering he nearly died this morning and now his life is under intense media pressure and exposure.

there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss

The hardest hit should be taken by the officer who pulled the trigger. Believing otherwise is a belief that police officers should be able to kill anyone, anytime, make a lame excuse, and get away with it.

I agree. The officer involved should be reviewed—and if appropriate, charged, and imprisoned.

I just hate that we keep taking the focus off the people who made the call that created the situation in the first place, and keep running to, “BUT THE COPS!”

Yes, current police enforcement is shit, and I say that as the son

Wasn’t the address given out random? The guy shot had nothing to do with any of the CoDers from what I understand.

Given out some random address to a person you don’t know won’t get much of a legal charge with it. (Or at least if charged it won’t hold up.)

In order for there to be some weight behind the charge they’d

He cared a great deal. The last time we know of that Luke held a lightsaber was that fateful night in Ben’s hut. He obviously regrets it. That’s why we don’t see the green lightsaber in the whole movie except in flashbacks: Luke doesn’t DO lightsabers anymore. When Rey whacks him in the head with her stick he doesn’t

Too big for the playground, but they still think it’s all about the size of your stockpile. Missile Envy, as Helen Caldicott’s book title called it.

*crosses fingers* please be piss tape.

You know what sucks? Besides the obvious. That even if trump gets kicked out of office and publicly ruined, all this shit has been put out there and exposed for the world to see. If the world was a neighborhood, we’re the family whose dad went outside jerked himself off and then took a huge dump on his next door

Well, that’s all the endorsement I need.

About six months I decided to take another crack at Fallout 4 with a shit ton of mods added in because it’s traditional to mod bethseda games until they break. I added in Sim Settlements thinking it might make the settlements marginally more interesting than they were at launch.

“couldn’t they give you like, a better chin? I mean I can still see your brothers faces when I look at you.”

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

In that moment, all things were possible. You figured that the light saber would fly to Rey, she would fight it out with Ren, then escape and the plot goes on. Just like Return of the Jedi, but earlier.

I’m so fucking bored for this hate-on for Taylor Swift. She’s neither feminist role model or emblem of evil. She had a good year this year. People are allowed to have those! Call me when she hits someone with her car.

I don’t care for Taylor Swift’s music but if you’re going to claim she used feminism to make herself famous and rich you should probably throw in that she also used her song writing skills to create music that appeals to millions, marketing skills that keep her in the headlines, and from what I read, artistic and

Don’t throw all Republicans under the bus. Some of them are actually good people.

Cecilia, I just want to say how much I appreciate your role as Kotaku’s resident Weird Shit People Do on the Internet reporter.