
i understand people being upset, streaming or being a youtuber is an impossible dream one you badly want and work hard for and dedicate years of their life to with nothing to show for it because algorithms work against you, it’s incredibly taxing on mental health some destroy themselves for it i quit for that reason,

I think the answer to your question “why” is because a reviewer’s hot take is proportionate to public fervor. It happens in movies as well, but I think it’s especially troublesome in cases like this, where they’re reviewing a massive, open world, sandbox-choose-your-adventure RPG. Pretending that you should get a

“It’s not a politically progressive game: these identities are all in service of the game’s vision of the cyberpunk future, one that can feel implausible and alienating but also has hints of the world we live in today.”

In 2019 the movie industry made $41 billion and the music industry made $19 billion.
Video games made $152 billion.

To be fair, Ellie can aim. YOU AS ELLIE can not.

I’m thoroughly enjoying playing it on hard on the first play through...with Auto-aim on. I refuse to believe that Ellie, after traveling from Boston to Utah and conducting nearly half a decade of patrols, can’t hit the broad side of a barn without concentrating, she’s got supernatural aim by this point in her life and

Given the general reactions I’ve seen around the net the last 24 hours, I don’t think that’s the case this time. I also don’t think it’s purely homophobes or gamergaters either. The first game resonated emotionally with a lot of people and it’s hard to watch characters you grew to love outright suffering.

For those who don’t wanna watch:

but one day I will be Activision CEO, what then?”

I’m pretty sure that the series has nothing to do with ultra-nationalist propaganda, and neither does it have anything to say about the Sino-Japanese war. I think you’re overthinking things and is giving people the wrong impression of the series.

Sometimes you just have to stand there in your wrongness and be wrong. That might mean telling the truth and dealing with the consequences, or it might mean keeping it to yourself and dealing with that emotional burden. Only you can determine which option is the better one based on the specifics of your relationship

And yet so many of the people who have the financial stability to do the right thing without major consequence....don’t.

Yeah, fuck this guy for...

It says a lot that I can't remember the Dark Rey scene at all beyond what I remember from the trailers.

This right here.

How’s the view from the Apple PR department? Did you get a window?

All of this. The original bull statue was legitimate punk art - one man’s passion brought in on a pickup in the middle of the night and illegally placed without permission or approval. Placing insipid corporate pablum like Fearless Girl opposite it was always shitty. 

This statue was always a publicity stunt, and the fact that people bought into it as such a “powerful pro women” message was so cringey when it was simply an advertisement.

Wow! You really did some investigation here Mr. Brown. Kudos!! Now what happens? Have all of the publications been notified? Do authorities need to be called? What will be the consequences for Sendler regarding all of this? Will there be any consequences at all or will he just get to continue duping people? It’s

“Chief of sexology”