I think what really happened was the Camaro ate it.
I think what really happened was the Camaro ate it.
God bless the flex
The BMW 8 Series is back. Or at least, it will be soon. This is a profoundly odd development for anyone familiar…
Its a 2009-2013 Suzuki Grand Vitara dash
In California, the carpool lane line is a pretty big deal. $271 fine for crossing into/out without a dashed line. It’s a solid white line and two solid yellow lines. Triple reminder not to cross because of this- the speed differential is sometimes huge. If I’m using the carpool lane in heavy traffic, it’s scary, I’m…
Seriously? The Camry driver AND passenger HAD to be high! Look at them! They have no clue the biker is even standing there let alone yelling at them though honestly, the biker had an extraordinary amount of control.
Is this where I can share hundreds of painful stories of tire-kicking, blood-sucking, bottom-feeder, mooching customers that wasted more time of my life than I want to admit to? Those dealership horror stories go both ways.
My phone flew off my finger. Pretty sure I used this wrong
Now this is mission impossible.
I’m calling BS right now. This mission is not going to be impossible. Fool me 5 times, shame on you...
My fascination with these drawings will never end. Any time someone asks “if you could do it all over again what would you do?” I just picture myself at a drafting table doing this.
The German queer club scene is really blowing up.
I thought that picture was just the result of a hilarious incidental cropping oversight.
I remember opening a box of hub bearings for my Volvo S60R and the boxes were covered with the word FAG. Gave me a good chuckle.
Clearly a hate crime. Just look at that graffiti.
That explains the turn in and the tire mark following the left front
A right front brake rotor failure while under braking will turn you left, because any braking force that remains affect the left side of the vehicle to a much greater extent.
Every driver at BK Racing
I wish they would weed-out the Waltrip brothers.
But beer companies are okay, since beer has never caused any problems, especially when mixed with cars.