Harris Lue

That pie chart was money and I added it up:

I'm totally OK if this comment section becomes solely Tosh-bashing.

I'll just leave this here:

Reports say Afroduck was last seen lapping Toronto with these two gentlemen in a Nyan Cat wrapped Ferrari

Amphicar under Monet's Japanese bridge

Downey says, "Are you kidding? Before that, I didn't even have the GTI."

I can hear it in my head already: "Welcome back to another episode of Iron Man's Garage..."

That was 10 years ago.

Mandatory doesn't mean people don't drive without it unfortunately.

Because You Could Be Taking Razor Blades to People's Brains. I hear ya man.

This Is Why You Never Take A Razor Blade To A Fully Inflated Tire:

Oh Shaq, why u got the answer for errything?

It really is.