Ludwig VonRapekinder

More electronics need faux wood finishes.

@Foohy — POST SAVE FAILED: Even if it's "republished" from kotaku, it's still that Joel guy who wrote it. His byline is on the article on Kotaku. Blame Joel and Gawker Tech.

@JesusChrist: First off, it's "I am disappointed". Secondly, this was written by a Gizmodo staffer. I don't see Kotaku having anything to do with this except for the fact that they had to post it too.

I know the policy is there for employee safety as much as for the lawsuit aspect, but I would probably have done the same thing.

@Hestika: They pretend it never happened because it was so terrible.

Pass. I'll stick with watching the 1993 VHS release. It may not be HD, but at least I can watch the movies in their original form.

@badasscat: There is a set of just the prequels and just the originals. But you don't get all the bonus content.

@buckleyneko: Well, you have to watch each movie three times (once normally and then two more times for each commentary). That alone should take you a week if you are a working person.

@stupidsimple: That, or he heard the one the soldiers actually used to get there and leave.

@stonerboy: I'm not a bigot and far from illiterate. Boo-hoo, I may say things that some overly sensitive white people find offensive; so what? People seem to find lots of things to be offended by; I just make it easier for them to be fulfilled.

Sorry, I like privacy when I go to thebathroom. Some privacy walls would be helpful. I don't like it when the 'mos in the bathroom try to sneek a peak at my huge prick.

@Luis Mazza: The answer is "Yes. Not everyone is a slave to technology like you".

@Jacobm001: Because people like reading newspapers. Try to keep in mind that even though you are addicted to being online and can't live your live without being tethered to some online gadget, you are in the minority. A very very small minority.

@meatbag_pussrocket: What it comes down to is that it's the Internet; JUST the Internet. It's not a life and death thing, and doesn't really matter that much.

@fdisk: The people would run out with the groceries, but then they'd get to the parking lot and find their car was gone.

Net Neutrality IS a socialist tenant. Anytime you give power to a government instead of the private sector, it is socialist.

@chesh17: It's been years since I have seen Futurama. It's been years since I bought the series on DVD and haven't watched them yet.

@gpowell1: If they have to go to a library to look at porn, then that means they don't have a computer or the Internet, which means they either have a menial paying job, or no job, and in both cases, they don't pay taxes.

Good. The library is not a place to look at porn; it's for reading and research. Taxpayers don't fund libraries so losers can go and look at porn. Every person using a publicly paid-for computer to look at porn should be punched out.