Ludwig VonRapekinder

@ThaMofo: Aw, how cute. You're trying to retaliate against be for calling out some stupid comment you made about BP.

@chesh17: I am not so insecure that I feel I need to be in constant contact with people.

@Painronamic: I communicate in person. Wow! Imagine that! Actually talking face-to-face with someone!

Hahahahahaha! All you suckers walking around with a cell phone. Have fun with this hassle.

@ThaMofo: Wow, really? You're a star commenter and that is the best tripe you can come up with?

@Nitesh: That's actually not true. Life expectancy is even longer.

@Kiljoy616: Except that the air is probably cleaner now than in the past.

@Captain_Grumpy: MAn could leave the ground when he was born. There were hot air balloons.

@eebrenner: Not really. It's more like these days. If you want a real tech blog, go to Engadget; so much better.

@Mr. Rosewater: My kid (4.5) knows what he likes, but he doesn't seem to base it on whether something is for girls or boys. He's a shy kid around people he doesn't know, but otherwise is a bit of a clown.

@Bitterleaf: If you look at it as a Canadian, it makes sense. Most people here who are liberal (Liberal Party , New Democratic Party, Green Party) tend to talk down about Americans, as though they are somehow morally superior and smarter than Americans. So the best way to annoy a liberal is to be an American (or

@Mr. Rosewater: I get the gist of it. But the problem isn't the toys in the stores or the ads the companies make for those toys on TV, it's the other kids at school that will cause the issues. If my kid decided he wanted a pink bicycle, I would try to persuade him to get a different colour, not because it's pink and

@Bitterleaf: Yes it does. A lot of Canadians cross the border to the US and pay for services like MRIs and other things because the wait time for such things in Canada is ridiculously long (something like 10 months for an MRI in Ontario). When you are in pain and need an MRI to find out what is wrong and what can be

@giuseppe: No, they are lefty and propaganda.

@Mr. Rosewater: Yes, it does. We're not having anarchy, riots, public executions, upheavals, and so on. Because some people have emotional and mental health problems doesn't mean society as a whole is comprised. People have had those kinds of problems throughout history. So what?

@Merricat: Since when do they air toy commercials during prime time?

@Arryma: I haven't used a flip, but I still doubt it could match my camcorder as far as quality. Good for everyday joes though. Too bad they will have to look for something not as good as the Flip or be reduced to using their "smart" phone.

I don't have a smartphone in my pocket (I'm too smart to waste money on such a thing), and I like to use a real camera when taking movies of family. The most important thing to me is quality. That's why I never bought one of those wiener video cameras like the Flip, and why I will never use a "smart" phone for taking

@giuseppe: I got better things to do than look for propaganda to counter your lefty propaganda.

@Merricat: And when my kid first went to Toys R Us, he hadn't watch TV yet, and hadn't been exposed to anything telling him what he is supposed to play with. Maybe you put your one and a half year old in front of the TV, but we didn't. We didn't let him watch anything until he was passed his second birthday. Nice try