Ludwig VonRapekinder

@Merricat: We don't have cable, so we don't watch much broadcast TV, so he's been exposed to almost no toy commercials. And I never told him which toys were for boys and which were for girls. He has been fascinated by cars on the street since before he could talk. So in the toy store he naturally looked around until

@Mr. Rosewater: Right. Everyone who is an adult now is so messed up emotionally because they played with Babries, My Little Ponys, Transformers and G.I. Joes. The way you talk society should be falling apart right now.

@Merricat: My boy likes boys toys, and never bothers looking at the stuff in the girls section, and I never told him not to go look at them. So I do have a point.

@KentuckyBabe: There will always be kids who do enjoy certain toys that are popular with the other gender, but for the most part it seems to be more of girls playing with action figures than boys playing with a Barbie or a baby doll, especially at an older age (like seven or eight).

@FartyMcPooPants: If something is true, it's not a stereotype; it's a fact. And the fact is that MOST boys prefer trucks and swords and more aggressive toys over dolls, and MOST girls prefer babies and Barbies and ponies over the things boys play with. My kid never bothers going in the girls toys section in Toys R Us.

@giuseppe: Don't use obvious lefty eco-nut web sites like SFGate to "prove" a point.

Sad that Patton Oswalt has been reduced to doing web videos. That is when you know your career has tanked. Instead of having your career nosedive and ending up in porn, you end up in web videos. I guess he has had a good run.

@Mr. Rosewater: Why, because each gender is different and tends to naturally gravitate towards certain likes and behaviours?

@Diode: Because boys don't want Barbies and baby dolls. They want trucks and action figures that fight each other and cars. No one has to tell them that; it's just what they want.

@FartyMcPooPants: It's not a stereotype; it's a fact. Boys like certain kinds of toys and girls like certain types of toys, almost always very different from each other. Marketing towards a gender's natural instinct in not stereotyping. Neither is thinking that dolls are girl toys. Give a little girl a doll and a

And what is the point? They aren't gender stereotypes. Something is not a stereotype if it's true. Nature has made the female in most species (including ours) the nurturer, and the make the hunter and protector. So I don't see a problem marketing to these natural instincts.

@Incoherent_ramblings_of_a_madm...: "...a phalanx of Japanese police in hazmat suits, carrying off a body found inside the deserted radius of Fukushima. "

@Poisonthescene: half joking. It's certainly not that efficient since you need a large swatch of land to produce enough energy to make any sort of difference. Plus like wind turbines, fields of these things are a huge ugly eyesore.

@SnowSoul: Also interesting is that the manufacturing of one Honda Pruis produces more carbon than a Hummer will over its entire lifespan.

Because solar panels aren't very efficient. You need a whole field of them just to power a desk lamp.

Where's the body?

@Whizkid103: You're just trying to trick us. None of that happened to you. I know it's April Fools and all, but that stuff really isn't cool.

@ttocs: I doubt it's a real story.

April Fools everybody. They are getting desperate to try and trick you, resorting to stuff like this.

Firefox 4 is pretty awesome, but the day I get a new computer that can run Internet Explorer 9 is the day I dump Firefox the way a lot of people have dumped Chrome.