
Yes. I believe he is a genuinely wonderful person.. :) so is his wife .. and their daughter is just fab, you can tell she's brought up just right

Turns out the Weird Al Star fund is still short.. This from the organiser..
"😃 You know what they say: 12th time's the charm! We finally did it❗️⭐️
Hollywood Walk of Fame raised the cost of a star to $40,000, so we're still a few thousand dollars away from that star. Spread the word—our PayPal address is

Well we tried.. It took more than 12 years to raise the money.. they kept putting the price up!

Nathan Rabin is a mensch.. :) Highly recommend his writing :)

He's a friend.. I get defensive. No offence intended I'm sure, but I will always have his back..

wow.. that's crazy shit

Well I didnt know the Trinity Killer personally, but I can vouch for Weird Al.. He's a brilliant guy

Actually I do. It's not easy to pick up when people are kidding around when what they say looks a lot like criticism though

dont worry, Weird Al is for real a great guy :)

That's never gonna happen, Al genuinely is the nicest guy, happily married to a smart and beautiful lady, has a great daughter who is smart and caring. Just the nicest family imaginable

It was a well constituted fan fundraising campaign that got Al his star. Lin-Manuel has taken the entertainment world by storm to be fair. Best not to compare length of waiting time and just be glad the HCoCommerce finally chose Al. Every year we have waited and been disappointed.. until now..

in what way is Weird Al not white?

Umm Weird Al's FANS have been raising money and campaigning for a star for a dozen years or more. He had no part in this It's all down to the fans and the Chamber of Commerce finally selecting him.

This is such good news, the fans have campaigned so long for this…. well deserved and very long overdue

Global treasure :) ♥

He hasn't done Australia YET.. that's over the New Year

people in the public eye have to dye their hair every couple weeks.. cant have people writing in saying their roots are showing

I have crossed the Atlantic numerous times in the last 6 years just to see Weird Al in concert. Its one of those Bucket List experiences, except that once you have done it once, you have to do it again. Ive seen him a dozen times now. Totally worth it, He and the band and I are pretty friendly Such great people. I'd

Well as someone who has (literally) met him a dozen times I can tell you that whoever wrote that was lying. He's totally down to earth, a lovely person who isn't up himself in any way at all. Completely lovely person who goes out of his way to make whoever he is speaking to feel comfortable. A natural gentleman ♥ I

CineCraft. Be the best that you can, because at the moment you're all those poor bereaved parents have got. You feel downhearted now, but tomorrow is another day. So you screwed up. Tomorrow you wont. Shine on. You can do this, even if it isnt quite the way you planned. It's what we all do. Bless you ♥