Lucy O'Gara

All this. These were my exact first confused thoughts. The next was, even if this happened, WHY WOULD SHE CHOOSE TO PUT IT IN HER BOOK?

Don’t worry, no Transmogrification was necessary. Rainbow Brite had a dog, too.

You assumed she actually did it? I assumed it was a work of fiction. Realistic fiction of what would probably have happened, but I didn’t for one minute believe she actually made those phone calls. Huh.

There’s a reason why they call it the American Experiment. Failure is always an option.

All of this. These are the tactics that have worked over and over and over before in our history and elsewhere.

As a rule I don’t torrent books, even those from huge conglomerate publishers, because I believe authors deserve what little sliver of royalties they get. But I’ll admit I torrented a couple of these out of morbid curiosity but an unwillingness to give anyone involved my money.

I don’t want to say specifically because it’s a small field and she is a prominent name. Social sciences/public health, generally speaking.

They are a joy this world does not deserve!

OUCH. Brava!

Thank you!

It is. I left my dream job in research because of a tyrant of a department head with tenure. A woman, no sexual harassment accusations or rumors, but just about every other complaint one could imagine. NO ONE was willing to stick around except the poor person understood to be in place as her replacement when she

Donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic.”

That’s the one! Bless you!

I’m on the West Coast. It’s too early in the morning for this shit.

*squints* Are you sure that pic of Billy Graham’s granddaughter isn’t actually Michelle Bachmann? All these people look the same to me.

Exactly. I’ve met host families who love their exchange students more than this woman cares about her “son”.

Our only real option is to outvote them.

As a former child of the system, I’m well acquainted with “parents” like this woman, who foster and/or adopt but never consider those kids their “real” kids even if they claim they do. It’s very, very common, and (oddly, or not) often seems to go hand in hand with evangelical households. I see a lot of comments from

I know nothing about the law, so this is an honest question. It seems to me like they dragged Eric et al into court and demanded the Trump Org answer questions. Trump Org said no. Now they’re suing them to get the answers, and Trump Org is still likely to say no. Is there any actual consequence painful enough to

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