He looks amazing for that age! What a pretty boy!
I’m not even talking about that. I’m queer and I don’t think Justice was trying to be bigoted, she just didn’t think about how her comment sounded from that angle. She has a valid point about the optics of thirsty white people using BLM to further their own ends (which, ftr, I also don’t think is what these two women…
I’ve seen a lot of mean-spirited snark on this site toward Cara D from multiple bloggers, and I don’t understand it. Is there something about her I should know? Or is she just the new Anne Hathaway, who it’s apparently okay to hate on for no discernible reason?
I was going to say, but that would require being willing to live in Florida. Then you revealed the house is actually in California. Still too hot for this Seattle-ite, but fewer Floridians is definitely a plus.
I adore roller coasters but as a glasses-wearer they create a conundrum: keep them on and risk them being lost, or try to find a place to put them where they won’t also be crushed or lost?
Go back to selling Doritos, Chance,
My exact thoughts. Such a depressing dirtbag.
I cringe when I look through old DIY tutorials from the postwar years, telling people to get rid of all their old Victorian and Arts & Crafts interiors in favor of bland, flat nothingness. And SOMEONE told your grandma to cover her gorgeous hardwoods with all that shag carpeting. Styles change!
See, now THAT makes sense, whereas this article makes it seem like they only just tried to file for a trademark. Thank you!
“And that might require you to give up something because I am not going to be erased.”
Bless you.
That’s some bullshit. Your comments are both intelligent and levelheaded...which is saying a lot for the bulk of this commentariat.
Off topic but why in the world are you gray?
Yeah, I remember this one vividly, maybe because I’m a Seattleite and it was so close to home. I caught a documentary about it not too long ago, and from what I recall, the boy’s mother wasn’t happy about it all but still pushed them to remain together for the sake of their kids, family values, that whole schtick. I…
I don’t think that’s what the OP is saying. I think they’re saying that pushing this to trial so quickly may backfire, because it opens up grounds for appeal. That doesn’t seem to be a judgment either way on the seriousness of the allegations, just the legal system itself.