“we’ve never seen a shitty personality win before”
“we’ve never seen a shitty personality win before”
Who is Brita going to throw under the bus now?
It’s pretty clear from what she’s said that her very supportive mother and uncle have a lot to do with that. I’m not a big fan of the teary-eye moments myself but I agree that they’re a necessary fixture for the show.
Good call about Gigi’s choice of character. Because she was a robot and her responses are “programmed,” she was able to call Ru a bitch and get away with it, where others would not have.
Bingo. Though as far as danger to the brand, I thought Sanrio letting them do a Hello Kitty challenge was far more risky.
I absolutely agree with Gigi’s win here, though from the laughs SP was getting during taping it was clear the judges adored her. I was kind of afraid Gigi’s runway (polished, but something we’ve seen before from her) might bump her out of the top spot, and was glad when it didn’t.
Please subscribe me to your newsletter. I agree completely. It’s hard to tell when SP’s presence is so heavily edited out, but what we saw of her Hepburn seemed very one-note, and the judges called her on the makeup’s similarity to her Gay’s Anatomy character. Gigi, on the other hand, took multiple huge risks and they…
Would vote for him
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
For this to surprise me, you’d first have to convince me that JS’s exes can actually read.
You’re my people.
NBC’s website had a really good breakdown yesterday about why mask guidelines may be changing though the science remains the same. I can’t find it today, but the gist was:
Yeah, I think it really depends on the cat more than training a dog does. I’ve had two that will walk on a leash. One I trained from a tiny kitten. Current longhair, adopted when she was 8, won’t tolerate a harness indoors but once we get outside she’s fine.
I want one, too, but Jackson Galaxy says it’s much better for the cat to teach it to walk on a leash. My current longhair will, but she also insists on rolling in everyone’s flowerbeds and ground bark, and the argument with the brush when we get back just isn’t worth it.
Thank you! My first thought was, wait, they’re living together now? After they made such a big deal about how NOT living together was so great?
Why is beloved in quotation marks? Horse girls gonna horse. I have no doubt she loved the animal.
I don’t find her a villain per se. I think she’s angry that she’s not doing better and lashing out, like Aja did in early episodes against Valentina. The difference is that Aja was called out and apologized. I’m over Aiden and I think she, too, has an inflated sense of her own talent, but the way Brita picks at her…
I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy; from this writeup I think I might have enjoyed the parody more if I had their references, but it was entertaining anyway. I was so-so on the ep as a whole. SP deserved the win (though I didn’t like the Elvis runway). I might have put Jaida in the bottom two if her runway look wasn’t so on…
You nailed Brita right here. There have been many Drag Race queens with delusions about their own talent and she’s firmly in this category. Which doesn’t mean she lacks talent, just that she has an overinflated sense of it. Like Derrick Barry, Alexis Michelle, and plenty of others, she does something well, is rightly…