
Not even 50 million could get me to marry Cameron.

Wait until you see how you disappear after becoming a mother. I went from being a woman in business clothes who was heard, smiled at and nodded to in public places to a woman who was completely ignored. I would have to repeat myself multiple times before many people would deign to hear me when I had a kid or two in

Exactly. The word is “parenting."

The way men are praised to the skies for doing absolutely anything with their children’s, too. OMG you drove your 5-year-old to kindergarten once? DAD OF THE YEAR! Your wife is such a lucky woman! While the woman who does it every other time gets no credit whatsoever, and is much more likely to be criticized for doing

Re the Michael Buble article, I find it so infuriating when men describe watching their own children as “babysitting”. You’re not doing anyone a favor by looking after your own children and you never hear women describing what they do everyday as babysitting. For me, it’s one of the most pervasive examples of the

This doesn’t even count as a “nudie.” Besides, who cares?

That’s what frustrated me so much with my family. My grandparents helped them a lot, expecting them to pay-it-forward, but my mother just can’t be bothered and my father only wants to do fun stuff with the kids, not actually help.
And yet when my grandfather has an appointment, I’m the one taking the day off work and