Iris Best

I completely agree that Iris needs better writing, and trust me that her fans (myself among them) have been asking for that. What doesn't help - and in fact harms the "better writing" goal - is when people call for the character to be eliminated or killed off instead of improved. That won't lead to more diverse and

Or maybe she is laying down the ground rules for being in a relationship with her. Eddie cant talk about his work with her? Or, more accurately, is lying that he "can't" for reasons? Great, that's his right. It's also Iris' right to tell him she isn't going to be in a relationship where lies are part of the package.

This is exactly the kind of response I was referring to in my own comment. Other characters are lying to Iris for no reason and robbing her of her agency, and you… Want her to die? Why? Why would you want to eliminate the only woman of color on this show, the only character who hasn't willfully lied to and gaslighted

I appreciate that you guys have finally pointed out that Iris isn't the problem; everyone else is. We've seen her handle herself with Girder, the Clock King and the Trickster. Harrison Wells is Barry's greatest enemy and he knows exactly who Iris is and what she means to Barry. Keeping that knowledge from her does

Loved this episode, but then again I've never seen the show as having an Iris problem. I think she's a great character with an engaging personality, played by a lovely actress who makes the most of the in-the-dark position her character is currently in. I liked that this week showed her to be resourceful, both in

For a second I thought you knew this as fact and was incredibly excited (but also kinda sad because I'm a sucker and I want Danny to be part of the "everybody lives!" train). But if it's just your conjecture, then I definitely agree. Clara had something important to tell Danny that was interrupted by his death, and

If ABC doesn't air the rest of the episodes, I'm gonna need them to send copies to me personally so that I can at least enjoy three more hours of Karen Gillan and John Cho making gooey eyes at each other.

OMG, I just finished watching Battlestar Galactica for the first time (I know, I suck) so I'm thrilled that there'll be new reviews to wade through.

I agree so completely with this review. It's not that breaking up Danny and Mindy makes me angry - it's that the way they handled it was so very strange. Mindy asks him why he even kissed her if he's just going to run away like nothing happened, but I feel like I should be the one asking the showrunners that instead.

He may not be sexualizing it, but in this very interview he's talking about it being an exhibit and a gut punch for Will, which are still tropes very tied to the "women in refrigerators" problems. It's still three female characters that were very important to the men in their lives whose deaths are used to further the

The pre-existing mythology also let Beverly live, so I'm not sure that's relevant.

I'm sick of shows being about the fragility and hubris of men. There's no reason women can't play a major part, exploring their frustration with the status quo instead of disappearing into the background as some pseudo-statement.

It's possible no scene will ever top Holt's tears over statistical analysis, but man did I love Peralta writing a recommendation letter for Santiago. We're not even a season in, but I already love their dynamic more than I ever have Jess and Nick's.

I used to love New Girl, but it was actually Jess and Nick's buildup in season 2 that put me off it, followed by everyone devolving into caricatures of themselves. So, basically, I agree with you at this point. The Nick/Jess kiss left me feeling very little, while the Mindy/Danny one might've left me jumping around my

Completely agree with this. I had to stop watching BBC's Sherlock after the first episode of season 3. He pulls that stunt, is only vaguely remorseful and then goes and pulls pranks relating to it? And of course is pretty much immediately forgiven by everyone he's hurt.