
Just because she decided to sit on it to sell more books (making her a terrible person) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen - because Rudy is also a terrible person.

His comments are shitty, but I don’t think that Hendrix really fits the format of the book.

Now playing

Some people will ignore victims no matter how many come forward or how much evidence their is that they are a sack of shit because they like the guy. That’s just how humans are.

No one cares. No one has ever cared about drag shows, the issue is drag shows that being peddled as family friendly, and the left wanting children to see and even be included in said drag shows.

How about not being a minimum wage shitstain first?

No wonder you’re a broke basement bitch!

Anything to piss off a shitstain woketard. Not that it’s challenging

Bezos is fuckin with woketards

Definitely a woketard. Lots of broke basement sluts gettin fucked these days!

Where’s the link to the vid? This is bad journalism

She sold her sex online for money and is now pretending it was the GOP who put her put it online. In one of the videos she told her John’s that she would let her husband take her anally on camera if someone paid enough money. Surrrre, its the GOP who is exploiting her sex, and not her lol. She’s the perfect

I guess you missed the part where she sold her sex online for money. In one of the videos she told her John’s that she would let her husband take her anally on camera if someone paid enough money. You are right tho, she’s the perfect politician.

what could very likely be a sex crime.” It’s not a sex crime to post something that the person did on a public livestream. Do you not understand the law, or just don’t think it applies to Democrats?

I know this could be an unpopular opinion, but I do have a problem with this kind of behaviour in a person running for public office. When I first read the article, I thought that viewers of the platform gave them tips, as in ADVICE for how to do such and such. Yes, I’m naïve. But now I see that she and her husband

I think it is relevant. It shows bad judgment IMO. Her husband is a lawyer, she’s a nurse practitioner. They don’t have to do this out of financial need. It’s something they both could expect to face pushback for at work. It leaves them both open to blackmail potentially.

That’s hilarious. A woman sells her sex on the internet, then all of the partisan ignorant operatives such as Jezebel blames the Republicans for it being on the internet. You can’t make this level of stupid up.

He’s 39 and tore his Achilles, not a real bold prediction that he might be done.

calling Josh Allen “perennially average” gives men who think women don’t know sports a fair amount of ammo

A couple of thoughts from an internet rando:

how do you make a list about fan movies and not include The Fan? lmao.