
She just gave Trump’s appeal attorneys everything they need. Thanks a lot. 

I’m kind of over stand-up I think. It all sounds old and tired, like both Hannah and Chappelle

This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing. Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things, and makes jokes. Some of those jokes hit, some of those jokes feel a little dated now or maybe don’t work well with the way some people’s values have changed, but it’s just comedy. He isn’t out there advocating for anything

They didn’t even report on the content of the rally....

yeah i think we may have reached the point where Jezebel lost the plot

russia, ukraine, israel, and palestine can all go unkindly fuck off.

Maybe Biden should have done a better job earning their vote then.

One thing that stands out from that 2022 Netflix preview is how unmemorable these Netflix movies are, even the ones that area actually released.

Thanks for the thoughtful response. I agree with you that the executive branch does not create US laws. You and I are probably the only people on this bord with a rudimentary grasp of how the US government works. Specifically to your post, I am curious as to what part of the US constitution references the word “cunt”.

Jesus Christ. Absolute nonsense. This website needs to stay away from politics, until it’s writers have taken some basic fucking high school U.S. government classes. And you guys wonder why this website is constantly on the brink of being shut down?

Literally me. I can watch a man chainsaw twenty teenagers to death, no problem.

But one animal is injured or killed, and I’m like “Humans were a mistake, there is no hope for this world.”

There was that Idris Elba movie about protecting his daughters from a tiger or something and I was like “I can’t watch that, I’m

Another Kylie article, another bad take.

Look Jez, your Bernie is not running, enjoy trump.

You turds are why the Democratic party is a joke and will never regain power. Laws are not created by the executive branch, Congress is the branch that passes/enacts laws. Yell at congress, not Biden for abortion laws. Biden could be the reincarnation of George Washington with the dick of Abraham Lincoln and he still

I know Jezebel has to find the abortion angle in every story, but it really had nothing to do with his downfall. DeSantisBot Human Emulator 2.0 didn’t lose to trump by 30 points because of his abortion stance. It lost because Trump is still alive and still in the race, and has a cult following that still owns the GOP.

Walter Goggins

Might be a good idea to assign Mr. Goggins his correct first name.

I found 5 minutes after I posted this that Woody had to back out because of scheduling issues. That stinks. Him and Walton together would have been awesome. Hopefully they get someone good to replace. Woody.

I’m cool with the supernatural angle. Another rote cop thriller doesn’t appeal. Get weird. 

Oh I instantly 100% pegged “the kid” cop isn’t getting out of this alive. Might as well have a flashing sign with an arrow pointing at him, in that regard. But hey, maybe we’ll be surprised.