I’m looking forward to this site writing some trash about the 7-11 armed robber in Stockton, CA. “He’s a good person. He cares for his grandmother. Donald Trump something something, derp.”
I’m looking forward to this site writing some trash about the 7-11 armed robber in Stockton, CA. “He’s a good person. He cares for his grandmother. Donald Trump something something, derp.”
Trans shit is gonna fall back. You guys went too far. People are fucking sick of your nonsense.
We get it. Jezebel is pro child-trafficking. Freaks.
just an observation, bro. They are phonies.
The fake guilt over being straight is right out of the feminist playbook. I work with someone like that, she pretends to be “queer” but is 100% straight. I can tell it fake upsets her.
Was this an exhibit at last week’s UFO hearings?
Are you like this IRL? You are a total parody online. I’m embarrassed for you with every one of your posts.
You are so fucking weird. My god.
Sarah Silverman, trashy as usual.
Reported. You fuckface.
No, you are mistaken. YOU guys make it about race. You make everything about race. We never even mention anyone’s race. But you turn on CNN and MSNBC, they are talking about racist boulders at college campuses, its racist to get a good nights sleep, working out at the gym is white supremacy. Its never-ending.
Libs get sooooooo pretend mad when a black person thinks for themselves. Its quite racist of you guys. Congrats.
He played you guys. He said it yesterday on his excellent podcast. He said the YouTube post did great numbers and they made good money off the post. So great work by you guys, as always. And he said he will review the next huge movie also bc he knows you guys will overreact and he will make $.
So you think they are gonna legalize r*pe? Thats your stance?
No they wont. You people just say crazy shit. Knock it off.
I’ll bet you that you are incorrect. Name the stakes. I will bet anything.
Very racist and sexist comments. Nice work.
Dude. LeBron will draft him himself. Or Wade would in Utah as a favor. Or something. No chance this guy isnt drafted.