
Is there a pic of the intern? Whats her @

Fine, ty for the reply. That is interesting.

Abolish prisons

unhoused will not catch on, sorry. Its not as embarrassing as pregnant people, I will give you that. 

stats pls. Show your work.

Hey, Media Matters for America: Go Fuck Yourself”

Dork, how many replies are you gonna make?

There it is, anti-Semitism. You guys just make shit up for your dumb narratives.

Glad you believe that. They tell us info they want us to have. Try to keep up. Jesus.

This is called conjecture. Its me drawing a conclusion based on evidence without all the facts. Jezebel does that all the time, except that they typically have none of the facts. I suspect I am correct.

whats wrong with Sarah Sanders? Shes super normal IMO

You are terrible at flirting. I’m not gay or even trans. Sorry.

My sources all reside on

He’s a super nice guy. Do a little research. Just a touch. I know thats too much to ask though.

My sources tell me that Murdoch and his son had met with Zelensky. Tucker has been very open about criticizing the US for funding Ukraine. I am told that Zelensky wanted him out, and the Murdochs obliged.

The fact that people were outraged over his vaccine comment shows how weak we are. Frankly, the vaccine doesnt work, and it may actually be killing people.

This person broke decorum, which is why they were silenced in the first place. Try reporting the whole story occasionally. Thanks!

Credit to the incel for even knowing what baseball is. Gooooood work. I don’t expect that at Jezebel.

Studies show that the average Jezebel reader is an angry incel. :D

 - “Hm...just off the top of my head, claiming Democrats want to flood the US with foreigners so they will vote Democrat. I am sure you subscribe whole-heartedly to “great replacement” theories. Well, so does Tucker.”