
“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.

the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.

Best Quality: The Elder’s jacket. So murder him in the face and be the most stylish person in the Commonwealth.

While i sympathize with what you’re saying here this is what we do. We bitch to the people we can contact until they get so fed up they start pushing it up the chain. The difference here is Konami doesn’t care because the U.S. Market is pennies to them.

Yeah! The PS1 never ran at less than 60FPS. There was no pop-in and all the textures looked amazing.

Your sarcasm isn’t very clear. In fact, no sarcasm is clear using just simply text. Learn from your mistake.

Having a “Back in my day...” moment. 128 FRICKIN’ GIGABYTES! ON A MICRO SD CARD!!! FOR ONLY $42 DOLLARS?!??!?

Having a “Back in my day...” moment. 128 FRICKIN’ GIGABYTES! ON A MICRO SD CARD!!! FOR ONLY $42 DOLLARS?!??!?

Until you start having the same conversations over and over again with no real pay-off.

It’s one of the few games that I consistently come back to. I generally stop playing it after awhile to focus on other stuff, but I always come back after a major patch and have tons of fun.

Diablo 3 nowadays is like that old friend you don’t always hang out with but as soon as you do get to hang out, things are still good and you have a great time just as you always did. (assuming you can forget that dark period pre loot 2.0 where he was messing around with the RMAH. We both remember it but we agree to

You’re a funny guy, Schreier. I like you. That’s why I’ll kill you last.