
New phones are definitely too big.  The reason I bought an iPhone instead of a Samsung last time was that the Samsung phone are too big.  If iPhone is going to be gigantic, I might as well buy a Samsung or other Android.  I want a phone that I can fit into my purse or even a pocket.

C’mon, he works at the Baja Grill! You guys should have given him a Subaru Baja, or maybe even a Baja Bug!

Not to wade into a deep debate about the Platonic essence of sandwiches, but can these Uncrustables and PB&J pods even be called sandwiches?

I think we all get that, because literally no mention of TLJ on this site is ever allowed to pass without multiple complaints from people who didn’t like the film about how terrible it is that their very perceptive and totally legitimate criticisms get lumped in with the racists and misogynists.

Deschutes Jubelale is always one I look forward to.

If I guess Pikmin 4 enough times, Miyamoto will cancel it just to spite me it’ll be right one of these days

Says more about Portnoy than anything because it seems these targeted harassment campaigns are always, always directed at women. Portnoy can claim the mantle of comedy, irreverence or crude innuendo all he wants, but it’s not lost on anyone he exclusively targets women this way.

I’m sure by the AM, I’ll have a nice

What a fucking joke that CEO is. I hope no one ever believes a word Erika says from this point to forever.

Yeah, I posted this above, but Punkin is barely a pumpkin beer. More of a brown ale with a hint of pumpkin.

This guy’s insecurity and the insecurity of his pitiful disciples would be amusing if our wells were not already poisoned by widespread aggressive ignorance. Everyone involved with Barstool is a net negative to society. There’s really not much else to say on the matter. I applaud those who call these people out for

Portnoy began selling a T-shirt depicting Ponder as a clown”

Nah dude. They’re totally not mad about getting cancelled at ESPN. They’re laughing about it. With all of these funny funny jokes. Like, do you even get satire? 

Someone actually married this guy, apparently without being on meth or any trash inhalant.

Might as well preempt these before the Stoolie brigade descends upon this article.

As awful as things are nowadays, it’s worth remembering—and heartening—that what these nincompoops are freaking out about is all the progress that’s been made. Representation and diversity in nerdery has increased so much in the last decade, and continues to do so! The more we advance the more they get upset, and the

There is one person in this country I find more intolerable than this ass clown.  

I’ll never understand why it bothered people so much.

I’m not sure that’s true, though. All we see is a ship taking off and child-Rey struggling to go after it. What about that indicates that anyone other than Rey is being forced into anything?

That scene didn’t just humanize the Lannister soldiers, it also humanized Arya a little because she was a long way down the road to being a one-note character, a heartless killer. For that reason, they COULDN’T have her kill the soldiers and any other method of killing them would seem pointless.