
This is a correct call. Once the player in possession loses control of the ball, it is a fumble. The standard for recovery of a fumble is the same as a catch - in the NFL, that is two feet or one non-foot body part down in the field of play, and control of the ball through contact with the ground if the player is

Once again: Anytime- any time- a man in a suit tells you you’ll have more money in your pocket, you are being robbed blind. Again, ANY TIME THIS HAPPENS. Stop falling for the grift, you goddamn marks.

His death hit me hard. Watching wrestling in the early 90's when he was commentating was always something I enjoyed. Other people from the industry dying didn’t hit me hard because they were before my time when I watched so it didn’t have an emotional impact.

As a motherfucker, I clicked this article.

He’s a coma surviving, ambulance-ridin, doctors orders abidin’, nurse kissing, still-alive son-of-a-bitch!