Oh man, that’s the coolest.
Oh man, that’s the coolest.
15 years ago my friends pranked me really hard that I won the DC shoes monthly giveaway by calling my house and acting like they were from DC. I was suckered really good and got laughed at for weeks. So I wrote DC an email telling them about this story and how I should win it for real and punk those guys right back. I…
No but guys! This is important. If my marriage license hadn’t specified “bride” and “groom” how would we have known which is which?
Heh. My grandfather wore white socks and my father considered it hopelessly old-fashioned and just-off-the-boat. So my father wore black socks. My brothers considered this hopelessly old-fashioned and mid-century, so they wear white socks. My hipster nephew considers white socks with athletic shoes hopelessly…