But do women openly stare at another woman’s breasts? I don’t want any one staring at my boobs.
But do women openly stare at another woman’s breasts? I don’t want any one staring at my boobs.
I think it must be that she’s a lesbian and that she presents as (arguably) more masculine? So it’s like, people extrapolate her into being a “dude” more easily, so it seems super objectifying? I’m not trying to be rude about how Ellen presents or anything, I’m just examining my own visceral reaction which was WTF??…
It’s a joke, but it’s a joke that is totally based on pretending to sexually harass Katy Perry. Which is probably not where Ellen wants to be going at the moment.
I don’t think Katy was upset by it. I don’t think it’s actual sexual harassment. But the timing is really unfortunate.
Imagine if it was a guy staring at Katy Perry’s chest like that. It’s rude as hell.
At least the male perspective wasn’t, “Gosh, it’s so dangerous talking to women these days, I think I’ll just avoid them entirely.” Small victories?
That assistant should have been dressed as a Black Santa. Megyn would have shat herself.
Hey, if that’s what it takes to keep him occupied, I’m all for building the statue.
I never understood the loathing conservatives had for Bubba. He was the best Republican president since Ike.
Are you referring to the invasion of Iraq and how horribly managed Afghanistan was as examples of W’s poor policy? Millions died because of W. Millions of refugees created because of W. Trump is insane petulant man child and maybe he will cause a war but right now, I measure evil by body count and that puts W ahead…
I dunno, I think torture is really and truly evil, but that’s just me.
Corker & Flake sounds like breakfast cereal for aging alcoholics.
When you’ve hit rock bottom, literally any previous point in your life seems favorable by comparison.
Also he litterally squandered our national surplus. I mean, he didn’t just pay back the 1% but still there was a lot of shoring up and public projects that could have been financed.
With W, it seems to be half nostalgia, half perspective.
Corker & Flake sounds like a British detective series that takes place somewhere in the country side near the Scottish border and involves two aging balding white men with pot bellies and sad Basset Hound eyes.
Heh, you should have seen how many Repubs I knew who kept whining about missing Bill Clinton while Obama was in office. I think we all do this kind of thing to some degree. We hate the current person in charge so badly that we wear rose colored glasses when thinking back on people who have come and gone. The funny…
The long anticipated release of the #JFKFiles will take place tomorrow. So interesting!
Here’s the thing about Wubya - he was kind of dumb and naive/clueless but not an evil mastermind. As always, I lay the blame for much of what happened at the feet of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.