
This is a really scary perspective. Food is a biological need, without which we die, and from which the caretaker gets little-to-no personal pleasure. Sex is a desire, the lack of which does not cause death, and the act of which would give pleasure to the partner. They are not remotely comparable.

None of it is ever as funny as he thinks it is.

“an uppity Negro midget.”

As someone else pointed out, sexual urges are a desire, not a need. A mentally disabled adult can experience sexual urges, but his/her health will not be compromised if those urges aren’t gratified.

Sorry, I meant to add my addendum to that asterisk. So:

Sex is a desire, not a need. Food, air, water... these are needs. Trying to provide a good quality of life for a person with major cognitive issues is important, but sex isn’t a need and toddlers can’t consent. It gets tricky when people are further along developmentally but still dependent, but at this end of the

I don’t understand your point. I get what you’re reaching for but, in this case, this guy was not an adult or even teenager, who was “locked in” a body that couldn’t communicate.

I’ve followed this story for years and read every detail of it. It disgusts me that this rapist is now only getting four years. She’s a delusional nutcase who raped a man who has the mental capacity of a toddler. There’s no other side to it.

My hope is he goes down immediately after we take the house in 2018 and that means a Pelosi Presidency.

Kidding on the square.

Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller? 

While this is brilliant and hilarious and now I want to go binge watch John Hughes movies...FUCK BEN STEIN. Surprised quite frankly he hasn’t crawled out of his hole wherever he is to join this administration.

I don’t know why everyone worships the Amano artwork. I’ve never been all that impressed with it. The worst offender for me is Garnet from FF IX.

“Letting women, minorities, and non-property-owning males vote” also benefits Democrats. What are you gonna do?it benefits the Democrats because the GOP map was so egregiously biased that any change would by necessity take away some of their advantage.

The proof is that no one would lie and say they slept with Trump when they didn’t actually

You must be reeeeally confused. Because this story is not about hiring a prostitute.


I mean, Ivana accused him of rape, so yeah, I think he probably is.

I asked this question on an older Slot post, the Omarosa one, but more people might see it on a Barf Bag so this is a copy-pasta.

It lost it quickly after the movie. Monster of the week episodes were always fun, but as soon as they decided they were going to lean heavily on the overarching alien invasion storyline it quickly became apparent that there was nothing behind that curtain.