
I would actually love to see a man with Louis CK’s talent really tackle his sexual entitlement and compulsions in his work and the audience can decide if they want to hear it.

She doesn’t think that it’s a crime, yes, but her reaction is nowhere near “not having a problem with this,” so maybe it’s not me who should actually read her response.

Looks, talks...I’m just saying putting on a wig and a tote bag shouldn’t automatically qualify you to use the women’s bathroom.

When I used to go to concerts a lot, you’d always seen a half dozen or more girls in the men’s bathroom because the lines were shorter. If nobody got their panties in a twist over that, then I think the line is “they’re not forcing you to look at their gentiles nor are they trying to look at yours”.

Trump did make one bit of news, acknowledging for the first time that his attorney Michael Cohen had represented him in the Stormy Daniels case.

What did Ronan Farrow do that was “not ok” in your estimation?

My first reaction: this is fantastic, good fucking riddance.

I defer to you as the expert on being a smug sanctimonious hypocrite. 

You do know Lisa isn’t a real person, right? That the Simpson’s writers felt the need to put their self serving justification into the mouth of their sole sane man (well girl) says a lot about how indefensible even they find that justification to be.

oh god you’re Ted Cruz aren’t you? The general tone-deafness of your persona here makes so much sense now.

It proves what a smug sanctimonious (and ultimately racist) hypocrite she’s always been.

You never cared for Lisa Simpson, the most progressive and insightful character on the whole show? I mean, to each their own and all.

I just think Lisa has been the most admirable character on The Simpsons whenever you examine her. To have her rolling her eyes over legitimate concerns of racial stereotyping seems like

Not inaccurate, but you’re basically saying that yes, a lot of people on the American left are incredibly ignorant or silly.

Obama was further to the left on most issues than FDR or Kennedy, and that he was stymied by Congress and establishment military/intelligence advisers shouldn’t make him a special

I don’t know how you can even blame them at this point.

I’m actually surprised to find a take worse than Prince Ruprecht’s initial post but here it is.

Everybody hates you.

You do realiZe what an intolerable fuckstick you are, right? If I’m so terrible, then stop responding, dummy.

And you wonder why I and so many other posters just like me think you’re an insufferable, humorless, raging fucking douchebag.

Then don’t fucking watch or comment on message boards about them, dipshit.

Tallgeese III is bad-ass, and Gundam Wing was my first and my gateway, but: