
I would have been, before I met my new, extremely considerate boyfriend (I've had two long-term sexual partners, ten years apart in age, and just for the record, the thirty-something is WAY BETTER than the twenty-something). Sometimes you're just tired and sweaty and you both need a break.

The savings are miraculous!

That's what my boyfriend likes, he says he enjoys smelling like Froot Loops.

I don't know! I've tried to investigate, but he just says he "doesn't like them" and can't explain why. It's not like he's worried about bacteria, or like he's some macho guy who won't touch a frilly thing, and I honestly can't think of any other reason to object to a bath pouf. Even a washcloth would be better, but

I've been on the coconut oil train for a couple months and I'm going to try this! What kind of container was it in? I'll probably end up scooping it out of a tub and rubbing it in my armpits, but I'm curious if there's a more hygenic way.

I used to use Brut! When I was a teen (less than 20 years ago, I swear), my family bought it in the spray can. I've only bought the stick at Dollar Tree, which didn't work for me. It does smell good, though, and probably works better if you don't buy it from Dollar Tree.

Seconding Herbal Clear, I found it randomly at Winco. It's lasted me forever, works well and was really cheap.

My boyfriend goes through bodywash faster than I do because he won't buy a bath pouf. I won't let him use mine because it's full of my dead skin, which I think makes it almost as gross as sharing someone's toothbrush.

Yep, it's confusing and annoying. I'm more on the practical side, too, and I don't think guys really understand that just getting dressed as a woman can be stressful. My boyfriend is "put together" wearing sneakers, slacks, and a clean T-shirt; if I wear the same outfit, I look schlubby and lazy. It's a frustrating

I use this stuff I found at Winco for like $3 called Herbal Clear. It's all natural and has aloe and proceeds go to breast cancer research or whatever, but I really bought it because it's unscented and the container is yellow. Totally gender neutral, works great. I've used men's deodorant a lot in the past and it

Exactly. I've only taken a few art classes, and I understand concept art and acknowledge its right to exist, but I think art still has to have aesthetic value. If your concept is toxic, and your aesthetics are the same tired fashion photography everyone has seen a million times, is what you're doing even art? Piss

I assume it's for financial/career reasons, plus women can also be misogynist. This model must have known the context, she participated even though she didn't set it up, but does it really matter whether she believed this was making a beautiful statement or whether she just wanted a paycheck? I guess I would prefer to

His next shoot is probably going to have a couple of teenage girls hanging from trees, but they'll be hanging by gold necklaces instead of their saris. Get it? It's a statement! About what a shit head this guy is!

I'm one of those people who defends "Piss Christ," but this is some bullshit. How is combining commercialism and rape "impactful"? Pretty sure we've all seen this kind of garbage before, but because he meant to do it, he thinks he's a visionary and not just a run-of-the-mill scumbag? You know what would be "impactful"

These things have nothing to do with each other. If the accusation against Barbie was that she encourages boys to treat girls like objects, or that Nicki Minaj was giving girls body image issues, then you would be making a point. Barbie is targeting little girls, Nicki Minaj is not. They have nothing to do with each

I like it with Lawry's Seasoned Salt. I can't eat cottage cheese unless it is orange.

Thank you for sharing your story, it was very powerful.

Fantastic post. I remember when the last one of these went up and the people who said it made them uneasy were rebuffed with "It's supposed to do that! You're just missing the point!" You've done a great job of explaining why this is really off-putting to so many of us, thank you for writing this.

I always assumed it was HIV too, but your question made me think about it. So your overthinking is contagious :)

Maybe she has Hepatitis C?