
no xbmc on the wd tv live... :-(

nice idea. just that i want something on which I can install XBMC. Ideally a box that has both XBMC and netflix (and hence the apple tv 1 doesn't work so well).

the only downside of the apple tv 2 is that you need an hdmi-compatible tv. I live in the dark ages - perhaps i'm the only one.

it's a challenge to set up, but i use ($35/year) with a linksys PAP2T-NA (any sip-capable box will work). Setting up the appropriate dial plan in sipsorcery gives you outbound and inbound with google voice. Voila! Plus, you can hook up SIP clients on your smartphone, computer, whatever, to sipsorcery

Hey Everyone - thanks for all the great replies. While this app *is* for a non-profit, it has nothing to do with CRM. Rather, it's a database for tree censuses conducted in a tropical forest (it's an environmental NGO). While I would LOVE to steer away from a custom DB, some cutomization of the schema is

ok - for all those interested, zappos is refusing to tell consumers what encryption algorithm they were using to store our passwords. I've filed a compliant at the FTC [] , but the FTC will only take action if they receive a number of complaints about the same company. So, if anyone else

On iOS anyway, most apps from the appstore don't install a bunch of hooks and stuff into the OS that slow the OS down. So, while you might find the number of apps overwhelming, the good news is that they're not slowing down your system (unless you have SO many that you've chewed up you memory - but that would be hard

thanks jryan - nice explanation. I've been back and forth with zappos about the algorithm they were using, but so far, they've refused to tell me. My concern is they might have used some of the older algorithms you mentioned, for example, or perhaps they were doing something stupid like gawker and amazon where they

Anyone know what encryption algorithm zappos was using? I suppose it doesn't matter much for brute force attacks, but in case the hackers try to decrypt it directly... (i'm no cryptography guy, so please feel free to enlighten me!)

i'll look into it - thanks buddy.

I'm putting together a database for a small office (out of the goodness of my heart). I'm looking for suggestions for which platforms I might look into.


The way to do it natively is to make your own power plan that does what you want when plugged in and battery only. When configuring the plan, there are two columns - one for the settings when plugged in, and one for the settings when on battery.

Does Chuck Norris eject his usb drives before removing them?

agreed, though I've wondered if ISPs also use RIAA-type techniques to figure out if folks are torrenting (i.e. not just sniffing packets, but actually trying to connect to your torrent client). My connection seems to get throttled less when I use peerblock (in addition to encryption), but that might just be my

Depends on the risks you're running. My main risks are that my ISP throttles my connection for a while. Encrypted connections and peerblock seem to help to keep that from happening, so $7/month ain't worth it for me. If, however, you're in a situations where getting busted has dire consequences, then I agree,

not as secure to be sure, but, could just use encrypted torrent connections (to try to fool your isp) and peerblock (for the ISP, RIAA, etc).

I've been using Quicken for *years*. Now, however, I'd like to start switching over to Mint since it makes things like importing from bank of america so simple. As far as I can tell, there's no way to move old quicken records over to mint (since intuit now owns both services, perhaps they'll be working on this...).

Hmm, perhaps a nice complement to Slice. As for myself, I can't remember the last time I bought electronics from a brick and mortar store. So, I'm taking a pass on this one...

This should be, IMHO, Google Voice + GV SMS Extension [] . Google Voice by itself kind of blows - it's just not very accessible. But GV SMS Extension makes a google voice text look just like a normal sms. With GV SMS Extension, you can even use BiteSMS and the like on top of google voice for the